3 Days in Brief
- Lowest 17°C (Sep. 13)
- Precipitation 0mm
- Highest 17°C (Sep. 13)
- Humidity 48% Average
- Highest chance of rain 0%
- Sunshine hours13 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Setúbal For The Next 3 Days
Friday - September 13
Few Clouds
It feels like 32°
- Day/Night: 28°/19°
- Morning/Afternoon: 17°/27°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 17°/32°
- Humidity 39%
- Wind 7.99 km/h
- Pressure 1,015 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 13:15 PM/01:47 AM
- Visibility 10 km
- Day/Night 28°/19
- Morning/Afternoon 17°/27
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Setúbal in Friday - September 13
Temperature in Setúbal in Friday - September 13
Saturday - September 14
Scattered Clouds
It feels like 28°
- Day/Night: 24°/21°
- Morning/Afternoon: 18°/25°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 18°/28°
- Humidity 68%
- Wind 5.65 km/h
- Pressure 1,017 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 13:16 PM/01:45 AM
- Visibility 10 km
- Day/Night 24°/21
- Morning/Afternoon 18°/25
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Setúbal in Saturday - September 14
Temperature in Setúbal in Saturday - September 14
Sunday - September 15
Overcast Clouds
It feels like 28°
- Day/Night: 27°/21°
- Morning/Afternoon: 18°/28°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 18°/28°
- Humidity 37%
- Wind 5.41 km/h
- Pressure 1,015 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 13:17 PM/01:44 AM
- Visibility 10 km
- Day/Night 27°/21
- Morning/Afternoon 18°/28
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Setúbal in Sunday - September 15
Temperature in Setúbal in Sunday - September 15
3-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
3-Day Rainfall Forecast for Setúbal
Setúbal's weather
- Afonsoeiro
- Aldeia de Paio Pires
- Almada
- Alto-estanqueiro-jardia
- Sao Bartolomeu da Serra
- Baixa Da Banheira
- Canha
- Comporta
- Cruzamento
- Gaio-rosario
- Joao da Loura
- Marateca
- Monte Novo
- Nossa Senhora do Cabo
- Palmela
- Pontes
- Praia de Melides
- San Lourenco
- Santiago do Cacem
- Santo Ovideo
- Sao Simao
- Sezimbra
- Tanganheira
- Torre da Marinha
- Vale de guiso
- Vila Fresca
- Abela
- Aguas de Moura
- Alcacer do Sal
- Alcochete
- Aldeia Grande
- Alfarim
- Alhos Vedros
- Alto Da Guerra
- Alto Do Seixalinho
- Alvalade
- Aroeira
- Azinheira Dos Barros
- Barreiro
- Brejoeira
- Brejos De Azeitao
- Brejos Dos Clerigos
- Casa Branca
- Casal Bolinhos
- Costa de Caparica
- Costa de Santo Andre
- Cravadas
- Ermidas
- Feijo
- Fernao Ferro
- Gambia-pontes-alto Da Guerra
- Grandola
- Lagoa do Calvo
- Laranjeiro
- Manteigada
- Melides
- Moita
- Montalvo
- Monte das Obras
- Montevil
- Montijo
- Morgavel
- Palhais
- Palma
- Pegoes
- Pegoes Velhos
- Pinhal Negreiros
- Pinhal Novo
- Poceirao
- Portinho da Arrabida
- Porto Covo
- Porto do Rei
- Praia de Troia
- Rio Frio
- Sado
- Santa Suzana
- Santana
- Santo Andre
- Santo Antonio da Charneca
- Santo Isidro De Pegoes
- Sao Domingos
- Sao Martinho
- Sarilhos Grandes
- Seixal
- Setubal
- Silveiras
- Sines
- Sonega
- Taipadas
- Telha
- Torrao
- Torre
- Torroal
- Trafaria
- Vale Da Amoreira
- Vale de Reis
- Vale Fetal
- Verderena
- Vila Nogueira de Azeitao
- Zambujal
Frequently asked questions
1.How humid will it be in Setúbal over the next 3 days?
Humidity levels will average around 48% over the next 3 days.
2.Is there a chance of rain in Setúbal during the next 3 days?
The forecast for 13 September, 2024 to 15 September, 2024 shows clear skies, with no rainfall expected on any of these days.
3.What are the expected high and low temperatures in Setúbal for the next 3 days?
Over the next 3 days, expect highs of around 32°C (89.6°F) and lows of approximately 17°C (62.6°F).
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Setúbal s' weather
Overcast Clouds
It feels like 25°
- Sunrise/Sunset 13:15 PM / 01:47 AM
- Min/Max 23°/25°
- Humidity 45%
- Pressure 1015 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 17.14 km/h
Air quality
Moderate air quality, health effects possible for sensitive people, general public usually unaffected
- CO 250.34
- NH3 3.77
- NO 0.29
- NO2 6.26
- O3 108.72
- PM10 5.56
- PM25 3.84
- SO2 2.15
Sunrise / Sunset
13:15 PM
01:47 AM